Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dear Senator Schaaf

Dear Sir:

I don't know you personally, and will admit, I had never even heard of you until I started inquiring about the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and wondering why Missouri is the ONLY state in the entire United States that does not have the program. That is where I first heard your name.

I've been around politics my entire life. I've worked for a US Representative, that is now a US Senator. My mother was the SW Missouri coordinator for a presidential election. She has worked on countless campaigns for people who are supposedly your colleagues, and your "friends." My entire family was raised and groomed in the Republican party, supposedly your party. I'm ashamed that you are a member of the party that my grandfather loved so much. Why? Because he loved EVERYONE and he loved his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. 

To go on further, about my grandfather, one of his great grandchildren is an addict. She became an addict because of opiates--because as a 15 year old, she was prescribed countless pain pills. Because her friends were being prescribed opiates for sprained ankles, broken arms, sore limbs, etc. they were all using opiates. After a car wreck, she was a full blown addict. Physicians were prescribing opiates left and right to young adults and creating the firestorm we now know as the "Opiate Epidemic."  

On Friday, I was playing in a benefit golf tournament and got the news that the Missouri Senate had rejected the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program AGAIN. By failing to pass this law, it has made Missouri the Mexico of the United States. Addicts doctor hop all over Missouri to get pain pills because we have no tracking system in our pharmacies. We are hurting our surrounding states because they do have the system and we are hindering their own effectiveness. 49 states have PDMP...only one does not. My state. Our state. Missouri. 

When I found out this bill failed again, it made my heart sink. To find out that one Senator,  you, Mr. Robert Schaaf, had caused this bill not to pass, I looked you up on Twitter and I read where discouraged Missourians like myself, were publicly denouncing you for holding up this legislation once again. You placed the blame on the lack of compromise and advised that we "should take it to the voters." It's the legislature's job to pass the laws--if we are going to vote on every detail--then why have a state legislature? In my view, you passed the buck. Not only are you a Senator, but a family physician. A family physician who also owns a company who sells malpractice insurance, I believe. In reading your curt and rude responses, I was insulted further. Therefore, I tweeted "Because you keep blocking it! What does it take? You to lose a child to opiate addiction? I would not wish that hell on anyone."  On 5/13/16 at 6:46 pm, you, Senator of MY HOME STATE, wrote the following: "You must be an idiot! I offered to compromise. If you think the people want it, why not put it to a vote?"  I was furious beyond measure that a Missouri State Senator, who is paid by the very people he represents, would talk to me in such a manner. It completely set my fire flaming. As I looked more into this--I found out that you are the same Senator who has blocked this legislation for 5 years. I also learned that your idea of compromise was to word the bill the exactly the way you wanted it, and only the way you wanted it. Further, I learned that your colleagues even agreed to take it to the voters, but then you refused, unless it had the verbiage you wanted. What would be the point? You knew there was none. 

I also learned that you, Senator, previously said this about addicts: "If they overdose and kill themselves, it just removes them from the gene pool."  Do you understand that the "gene pool" you are referring to are members of families all across Missouri and this nation? Do you understand that that this "gene pool" are the people you represent? Are you so wrapped up in your own ego and agenda that you are failing to see the very real problem in the State of Missouri? What is your motive? Are you fearful of the exposure your own medical practice might have, if this bill is passed? Do you believe that your family is immune to opiate addiction? If so, then you, sir, are the idiot. 

Opiate addiction has started in our students, it is our student athletes, our student council president's, our choir members, our Valedictorian's, they are our wives,  our husband's, our children---and yes, even in St. Joseph Missouri, there are countless people addicted to opiates. Have you ever visited the prison there? If not, you may want to go in there and actually assess the damage opiates have done to lives. It's not a "gene pool" problem--it is a national problem that was created by physicians who freely prescribed these medications without considering the damaging ramification. 

I would like for you to look in the eyes of the 9 people I know personally who have buried their children because of PILLS. Can you tell them that their "gene pool" was worthy of elimination? With due respect, Sir-it is your gene pool too. Sadly, some day, karma will come your way and you will find yourself face to face with the same hell my family, and countless others, have been dealt. Sadly, you will know someone who buries their son or daughter because they took too many pills or turned to heroin. Sadly, you may have a grandchild or great grandchild that becomes an addict...then you will fully understand the pain. Until then, you are doing nothing more than drawing a salary, insulting the integrity of public office and hurting the families of Missouri. 

You claim you are a devout Christian on your website. Since when did Christian's ever denounce the value of other human life? Since when did a physician not have the ethical responsibility to save the lives of everyone, not just those in which he agrees with their viewpoint. 

I challenge your colleagues to stand up to the way you have spoken to people and about people. I challenge my elected officials to denounce your tactics, your bullying and your pompous attitude to the Missouri citizens. You owe many an apology. You owe the families who have lost loved ones to addiction an apology. Your life is no more valuable than any of our children or loved ones. Although you may feel that you are superior, you are not. You are not immune to this epidemic. You are part of the problem. Step aside and let Missouri join the rest of the nation in the fight against opiate addiction. Claire McCaskill was right, when she stated that you are part of Missouri's problem. 

You sir, make me embarrassed to be a Republican. You make me embarrassed to be a Missourian...even though you think I am an, I still prayed for you. I prayed that you would see the light and that you would take the time to talk to the people fighting for their lives in active addiction. I prayed that you would open your heart to feel compassion for my friends who have buried their children.  I prayed that you would take a step outside of your well polished shoes and look at others besides your small group of cheerleaders. I prayed that you would read my blog and read my family's battle with having an opiate addict. I prayed that you would never have to experience the loss of a child due to drug addiction but would still find a way to identify with those who have. I prayed that you would visit a rehab and talk to the addicts trying to conquer this disease. I prayed that you would talk to pharmacists who are pushing for this legislation because they see the problem first hand. I prayed that you would donate your salary to a treatment center that helps addicts. I prayed that you would put politics aside to see the eyes of the people you have hurt. I prayed that you would apologize for the horrible way you have talked to Representative Rehder in her fight for PDMP. I prayed that you, sir, would take the steps to either step up in your last two years, to help Missouri...or that you will step down.  

I am praying for Missouri. 


Stephanie Patterson
Carl Junction, Missouri
Mother of an opiate addict
Grandmother of an opiate addicts "gene pool".  

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