Thursday, March 17, 2016

From the Heart of an Addict...A Message from Kelsey

I have encouraged many people to share their stories of hope and so many have shared them with me--but this special girl, wants to share her message with you:

Overcoming an addiction is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. While getting high, you feel safe from facing life, you can mask out anything and everything that is causing you pain, it's the best excuse to not face reality. But on the other hard, it ruins your life, your dreams, your goals, everything you've ever wanted to do with your life. It consumes you, you feel alone, scared, lost, the list goes on and on. For myself, coming to the realization that I did not want to end up in prison or dead was finally enough. 

For a very long time I thought, "who cares if I die, I won't have to suffer anymore" then thought about how selfish and self centered I was to not even care about who I was hurting and who would be so hurt if I didn't make it. I wanted better for myself, I was desperate. I knew I was near the end. The only thing I had to change about my life was EVERYTHING. I had to remove myself from my home town that I was born and raised in, I had to make new friends and leave the old behind, I had to cut contact with every negative aspect in my life. 

So I guess the message I am trying to send is, YOU CAN RECOVER. I know some of you feel like it is nearly impossible with how deep in addiction you are but it is possible. I know how scary it is. But listen to the person who was in an abusive relationship, my life was controlled, I gave up my family and my true friends for heroin, I did things I can't even believe myself for money, I didn't pay my bills, I couldn't keep a job, I am what is referred to as "a low bottom junkie". 

I lost it all. Almost nine months later, I have a better relationship than I have have with my mom, I have my family back, I have true friends that I love and they love me, I have a healthy relationship with a guy, I have a job house managing at a treatment center, helping people that are just like me, I could go on and on but I'll stop there. 

To anyone who thinks it's too late, it's not. As scary as it is, you have to walk through fear. My best advice is, get help before IT IS TOO LATE and DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE. It is worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. It is so amazing to hear you talk like this and I can't wait to see the light in your eyes when I see you next month. It is the light of life, hope and most of freedom!! I love you so much Kelsey!! Teddy
