Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Little Brother Visit...

I've kept this one tucked in my head for several days, but it's just too sweet of a story not to tell.

Last Friday, I couldn't do my jailhouse visit...so I asked my son to take my place. If you know my son, well, then you know he isn't one that frequents the local jails nor do his friends, thank God.

He is an accountant (newly graduated from college and employed), so he had his dress clothes and headed to the county jail to visit his sister.  He arrived 20 minutes early. If you know him--he is punctual to everything. He has always been that way. Early to practice, early to bed, early to rise, early, early, early. I think because I was always and still am late to everything, it annoyed him so much, that he decided he would not be that way. I did tell him, visiting a jail is not a time you want to be early, especially when you have 15 minutes with the person and have to wait your turn. I kept secretly giggling to myself, trying to find some sort of twisted humor in visualizing my handsome, strapping, lad of a son, sitting outside in the lobby. His first encounter was with a man who was very upset that his son was in jail on such a high bond. He kept complaining to my son, "he was framed" and "he didn't even do anything wrong." Finally my son said in his jovial tone, "Yea, my sister has been "framed before" and "someone else did it"...we've heard those before too...and she is sitting back there also." He couldn't get over the way that man believed his son over anyone else. Classic enabling for sure.

He is such a happy person. Always looks for the good in every scenario and is like a duck that water just rolls off his back. I have only seen him sad, or mad, or cry on few occasions and I think other than the deaths of grandparents, his sister has been his official proverbial stab through his heart. He LOVEEEES his sister. No matter what, he just will not ever give up on his sister. He doesn't care how much hatred she has spewed, or how many times we've all heard the "I'll never do it again" story--he still will tell you he loves her deeply. He wasn't sure what to expect, visiting her at jail. She didn't know he was coming.

They called his number, and he went back to see her and said he immediately felt a sense of relief. They both started just smiling from ear to ear. She said "You cut your hair! You look all grown up! You are so handsome!" She was just blown away his long locks of hair from his football years were gone. Gone was the days of college sweats and tennis shoes and now it's button ups, slacks and dress shoes. She kept saying over and over how old and grown up he was and he said "Well, I have grown up. I've been growing up for the last 5-6 years. You just haven't noticed because you've been busy doing other things." He then said to lighten the mood, he said, "But I love your outfit. That orange is real nice." She gave him a courtesy laugh. He said they had the greatest conversation and even got their joke in about me and my "blogging my little heart out" and he said the time flew by.

He called me after he walked out and said "I am so glad I came. I feel so good about this. Even if it doesn't work and she doesn't make it---for 15 minutes I had my sister back. I got to spend 15 more minutes with my real Addi." He said he could not stop smiling.

I hope he gets his sister back for good some day. I know how much he loves her. I'm so grateful that she has had his support and faith in her for all this time. She has broken his heart many times, and as tonight, her life is getting ready to change tomorrow---he was in his room, reading his Bible and praying for her. Faith. Such a strong trait. He has so much and I'm learning to have "some."

I can't sleep. I feel like I have a date with a stranger tomorrow. Hoping all goes well and we arrive at our destination safely. Hoping we run into no one we know on our way out into the abyss and unknown and her new beginning. Hoping she stays the girl he saw on Friday. Hoping I don't have to throw her out of my car as we are speeding on two tires to get her as far away from JoMo as possible. She needs a clean, fresh start--and by the Grace of God, it begins tomorrow. She is clean 22 days tomorrow. No meds of any kind. She says she is ready for change. We shall see....

Please pray for us as we make this journey and pray that her heart opens up to a new concept of life. I honestly hope she never returns to this area...and forewarning...this "area" better not come looking for her. She needs to let go of here. It's time to move on. It's time for all the demons that have held her back, to also let her go. I have faith. I truly do. You can't be in the shape she was in and live to tell about it, usually. She is here for a reason.

I look forward to the day that her "little brother" can look at her and say "Wow, you have grown up. You are an adult. You really did it."


  1. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things...love never ends. I Corinthians 13:7-8a

  2. The two of them connecting that way will have a huge positive impact on her, him, and you too. If he walked out smiling like he says, they obviously were able to focus on each other and not all the times in the past that she broke his heart. This could be the beginning of something really good happening for your family.

    Eliseo Weinstein @ JR's Bail Bonds
