Thursday, March 24, 2016

I DARE you to speak UP at YOUR School

In the last few days, I have had six parents message me about their children getting drugs at school from friends and or getting drugs from their friend's parents. Let me also tell you---it was FOUR separate schools in my area. Not one. FOUR.

My first question was--did you contact the DARE officer at your school? Some did, some didn't. Some didn't want to cause problems for their child at school--some want to just get advice on what to do or who to trust. I gave the best advice I could and left those decisions up to them. I have simmered though about it all week because I feel I haven't done enough.

I remember when my children were in grade school and middle school that the DARE program was a huge deal. Somewhere in Junior High it's "coolness" tapers--then by High School, the message is virtually ignored except by the students who are brave enough to still participate in programs such as SADD, now called Students Against Destructive Decisions, which I think is completely awesome for this day and age. I wasn't a member of SADD when I was in high school. I admit it. Back then it was about drunk driving. I'm glad they have expanded their awareness to all issues. 

How do we, as parents, keep that "coolness" instilled in our kids when it comes to drugs? Honestly, how many times do you see anti drug commercials on TV? How many posters do you see hanging around that show the true effects drugs have on lives? Not very many. If I have anything to do with it, that is about to change at YOUR school. I'm ready to bring real faces to this problem and show students this can be YOU. This can be your family and it isn't "cool." It SUCKS. It's HELL. It's the worst kind of pain imaginable to your family.

As a test, I sent out an email to a group of kids from each school asking their help in getting out the word regarding opiates and pain meds. About half responded. The ones who did, were the same ones that I expected. Some are probably just too busy to mess with it--but are the others "too cool" to put their name or face to this cause? Cause if so, that isn't "cool." In fact, it's irresponsible. I believe if God put you in a position to enjoy the talent, popularity, or respect of your peers---that you should use that to be a good influence for others. Part of that though, is the fault of society. Our generation has made the values that we had at one time, a shadow of a priority. 

If you know someone is selling pills or anything at your school---be a LEADER. Tell someone. I guarantee I know an adult at every school district in this area that would confidentially help you. I know I do. If you know someone has offered to sell your kids pills---knock on their door. Talk to their parents. If their parents are giving them pills to sell--turn them in. It's absolutely time to step up and be a voice for your children and for others. This theory of "turning the other way" is killing kids. I'm telling you right now that if I could go back 8 years from now when my daughter was close to graduating, and I was seeing the signs that I now know---I would absolutely 100% do things differently. Now, she has 2 of her dearest friends who have died--I believe 8 total around her class age from drugs; and countless others are addicts and or have served jail time. 

I'm convinced that during a period of time, there was a man around her high school that was giving kids pills, buying them booze and being a predator, if you ask me, my true definition of him. I knew nothing about this man until years later--but to this day, he is still around town and he knows that I am watching every move he makes. He knows I have warned every single parent I know about him and hopefully he has slowed down his odd friendships with kids, particularly athletic kids.  Let me warn you, that adults that want to hang around high school kids, are not normal--they are trouble. I'm not talking about a dad hanging around his sons and his friends. I'm talking people who have no kids or reason to be around and are always offering tokens of affection. I'm telling you that if that man would have stepped on my porch when my son was in high school and wanted my son to come hang out with him, to put it mildly, I probably would have shot his balls off...but in 2008--that wasn't happening. There were parents that were allowing this guy to hang around their kids. "He was nice. He bought us cell phones. He bought us a golf cart." I think he may have even bought a kid a car. WEIRD. Years and years and years before that too. He would go to their athletic events, buy them gifts, all sorts of things that most alert parents would have put a stop to and thought it was odd. He preyed on the ones who had parents who had less time, less money and kids with too much time on their hands alone.

Drug dealers are predators. I don't care if they are 12 years old or 60 years old. They prey on the vulnerable, the insecure, the ones who appear sad, or need a boost of confidence. They magnetize to the kids who need attention, may suffer from depression, or just don't seem to feel like they fit in. If you know someone is offering your kid drugs, TELL SOMEONE. If someone is offering you drugs---TELL SOMEONE. 

You may not think you will look "cool" but I'll tell you what else isn't "cool"--needle marks, staph infections, losing your teeth, being "dope" sick", having people refer to you as a tweaker, seeing you selling things online and everyone knows its stolen goods. That isn't cool. That is the road to hell.  If you see someone going down that road--LEAD THEM THE RIGHT WAY. Until people start speaking the truth--the silence is killing more kids each and every day. 

Speak up. I DARE you. 

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